Member-only story

CM Evans
Jul 6, 2021
“Painting a New Layer of Electric Blue” Copyright © 2021.7 CM Evans

boethius was going/ to reconcile/ faith and reason

boethius was going
to reconcile
faith and reason

conjungere rationem

they tightened
a rope around
his head

until his eyes
bulged out

and clubbed him
to death

but from ‘the consolation
of philosophy’
we get the prayer

let me accept the things
i cannot change

and the courage
to change the things i can

and the wisdom to know
the difference

i can’t tell
i know i never will

boethius is
the moon half risen
i see tonight

wrapped in
sheet of fine linen

or paper that
dissolves in water


for Anicius Manlius Severinus Boethius
c. 480–524 or 525 AD

CM Evans
CM Evans

Written by CM Evans

CM Evans is a cartoonist, illustrator, and writer. He does all his writing and most important work with a cane chair.

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