I had a dream last night I started off working in Hell, but then I got promoted, and God decided to chuck it all, and put me in charge of Creation. I was not happy about this. I made it very clear to the Earthlings that the concept of ‘Original Sin’ was out, and you didn’t have to be religious to be spiritual. Many people despaired that the Devil was now in charge of Heaven, and they kept on believing in whatever they wanted to believe.
I woke up, thought about it. Then in my mind, I heard part of an opera, an aria, that I did not understand:
Dammi i colori…
Recondita armonia di bellezze diverse!
È bruna Floria, l’ardente amante mia.
E te, beltade ignota, cinta di chiome bionde,
Tu azzurro hai l’occhio,
Tosca ha l’occhio nero!
I’ll have to look it up later. I turned on my electric candle.
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CM Evans